What are the characteristics of chalcopyrite in daily life?

Copper in our daily lives is a transitional element. Pure copper is a soft metal with a purple color, good ductility,and high thermal and electrical conductivity. It is the most commonly used material for cables and electrical and electronic components, and can also be used as a building material, which can form a variety of alloys. Copper is also a durable metal that can be recycled many times without compromising its mechanical properties.

The English name of Copper is Copper, the element symbol is Cu, the atomic weight is 63.546, and it is an IB group metal. The density is 8.92 grams/cubic centimeter, the melting point is 1083.4&plusmn0.2 ℃, the boiling point is 2567℃, copper is a kind of metal with purple luster, slightly hard, extremely tough, wear resistant, has good ductility, good thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance. Copper and its alloys are stable in dry air, but in moist air a layer of green basic copper carbonate Cu2(OH)2CO3 is formed on its surface, commonly known as patina.

Chalcopyrite is a copper-iron sulfide mineral.The chemical formula CuFeS2 often contains trace amounts of gold,silver,etc.Crystals are rare, tetrahedral; Most of them are irregular granular and dense blocky aggregates, but also kidney and grape shaped aggregates.Brass with blue and purplish brown spots; Green stripes; Metallic luster, opaque; No cleavage; Electrical conductivity. Hardness 3~4, brittle, relative density 4.1~4.3.

Types of copper deposits: Copper in nature is divided into natural copper, copper oxide and copper sulfide. Common compounds are: copper hydroxide, copper oxide and copper sulfate.

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